Our Children, Our Future.
Every aspect of our life in school is shaped by our Vision. It is not complete or final, but an aspiration that will grow and develop as we work together as a learning community to do the very best for the children in our care.
At Jenyns First School we want our children to have…
An enquiring mind with confidence to ask and learn
Creativity and a life-long passion for learning
Excellence, high personal achievement and the experience of success
A set of values by which to live
Independence and responsibility of their own learning
Our Core Values
As a school we have used our vision statement to identify 3 core values which underpin everything we do. We believe that behaviour needs to be taught explicitly to ensure the children develop and practice good attitudes to learning as well as everyday life situations. Our Values Education runs through the curriculum provision, as well as more explicitly in assemblies, Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons. It provides a moral capacity to equip our children with social and relationship skills, attitudes and intelligences to succeed in all aspects of their life and school journey.
The values we teach are: Ambition, Positivity and Respect
Our values go hand in hand with our learning characters and are woven into day to day life at Jenyns. They are displayed around the school and are referred to and discussed regularly.
At Jenyns we aim to ensure that:
Each child is and feels valued for their individual contributions and that they develop a positive attitude towards everyone in the life of the school and community.
Each child develops high self-esteem and self-worth with a confidence to take responsibility for their own learning.
Each child acquires a set of moral values and attributes including respect for all, responsibility for themselves and their actions, including honesty and sincerity.
Each child develops understanding and a mutual respect for other religions, cultures, disabilities and points of view.
Each child develops the skills, attitudes and passion necessary to work both independently and collaboratively
Each child develops an enquiring mind and life skills so that he/she will have the ability to experiment, investigate, take risks, challenge and make informed choices whilst at school and in their later life.
Each child is able to respond positively as a learner to all areas of the curriculum whilst performing at a level of competency with confidence and enthusiasm.
Each child will be enriched, motivated and challenged by a broad and balanced curriculum and will be valued for all their efforts and achievements.
Each child will be given equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of school life.
We believe our aims provide the basis for the delivery of a dynamic creative curriculum and the provision of a stimulating and engaging learning environment. We offer strong foundations to prepare the children for the ever changing nature of society.