
Jenyns First School and Nursery

Our Children, Our Future.


Early Years- Counting and exploring cardinality and conservation of number



Our aim as a school is to make children competent mathematicians who can make connections between different mathematical ideas. By developing a mastery approach to mathematics children will have the confidence to transfer knowledge to new situations, to reason and explain their strategies.


At Jenyns School we aim to help the children to develop:


  • a positive attitude to Mathematics and number work - children need to be motivated and stimulated to be enthusiastic 
  • an ability to reason and express ideas fluently, using the language of mathematics, specifically by making connections, evaluating, generalising, drawing conclusions and justifying. 
  • practical skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for everyday life and future employment, including the quick recall of basic facts (fluency)
  • an awareness of the uses of Mathematics in the world beyond school
  • an ability to think logically, clearly and systematically - estimating, considering alternatives and reviewing progress
  • confidence in handling mathematical ideas and information - encouraging independence and flexibility as they look for their own ways to solve problems or complete tasks. They should be able to collect materials without fuss and be prepared to try something unfamiliar without immediately seeking assistance
  • an ability to work cooperatively - working together on a common task, each child making a contribution e.g. surveys, investigations - presenting it to the class
  • a growth mindset and a readiness to self-challenge
  • an understanding of Mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment
  • an appreciation of mathematical pattern and relationships
  • an effective use of Mathematics as a tool - using it across the curriculum wherever relevant
  • good habits in the use of calculators, computers and other resources




Once pupils have progressed from the ELGs by working within the Early Years Foundation Stage framework the programme of learning will be consistent with the National Curriculum for Mathematics. 


Throughout the school we have daily Mathematics learning.  In KS 1 and 2 this is a daily Mathematics lesson.  In EYFS there are four lessons each week with mathematical activities available during Child Initiated Learning for children every day.  Pupils will be provided with a holistic programme of learning opportunities, which encourages using and applying Mathematics to problem solving activities, open ended questioning where the children are active learners. Activities are differentiated to offer challenge to all pupils.


Pupils work in a variety of ways – individually, in pairs/groups (working cooperatively), and as whole classes.  A controlled, working atmosphere is expected and relevant discussion encouraged.  We promote a mastery approach to learning maths building a secure understanding of maths through small carefully planned, progressive steps.


Classroom working walls and school displays will be used to support learning and to celebrate pupils’ achievements.


Mastering Number and fluency will be taught systematically as the children move through the school.  Each half term the children will focus on learning new facts to support their fluency in lessons.  These will be shared with parents, and they will be learnt during timetabled sessions each week at school and at home.


Home Learning

Home tasks will be set on a regular basis.  It will extend and consolidate mathematical skills which have been introduced at school. The children will be asked to practise recalling their tables gradually from KS1 (2s, 5s and 10s) and more formally in KS2 so that by the end of Year 4 they are familiar with all tables up to 12 X 12 and are prepared for the Multiplication Tables (MTC) Check. Regular practise recalling key facts and use of games such as TT Rockstars will be encouraged at home.


Formal Written Calculations  Formal written calculations will be introduced during Year 2 and they will begin to be adopted by pupils. 




This is measured through the following assessment, record keeping and reporting


Assessment  Formative assessment and regular summative assessment will be used termly and recorded and will feed into future planning.  End of KS assessments are made at the end of the reception year and year 2. Each child’s attainment for Mathematics is tracked and monitored in respect to age-related expectations. Pupil Progress will be monitored and interventions for groups of children will be organised to accelerate learning of those who are not making expected progress. 


Oral and Written Feedback  This will quickly identify misconceptions and address them, to acknowledge effort and achievement, and most importantly to indicate where the pupil is to progress. 


Monitoring, Evaluation, Standards and Striving for Excellence  Teachers will review and evaluate the impact of the teaching and learning opportunities provided. This evaluation will form the basis of planning the next most appropriate opportunity for the children.

Teachers will assess pupils’ performance and development and record individual pupil levels of achievements compared to age-related expectations. This information will be used to track pupil, cohort and school performance and standards in mathematics, which in turn will be used as a basis for identifying areas for development and target setting for the school. 




Maths in Action
