Our Children, Our Future.
At Jenyns First School and Nursery, our curriculum supports our children to be engaged, motivated and resilient learners and has been built upon our three core values: Ambition, Positivity and Respect.
Our inclusive curriculum has been designed so that it is knowledge rich across all subjects, coherent and progressive; where children can make meaningful links and prepare them for each chapter in their school journey and beyond. Our curriculum is broad, research based and ensures deepened understanding of key concepts.
Children’s characters are nurtured and developed just like the knowledge and disciplinary knowledge of our curriculum. With high expectations, we create a learning environment where every child is valued and respected. All learning styles are planned for when teaching, to ensure every child can reach their full potential while developing personal characteristics to grow into a well-rounded citizen.
We have a strong belief that reading and vocabulary plays a huge part in our curriculum. From the moment, a child joins our school, we aim to immerse them in a wealth of high quality, diverse and relevant texts to support their vocabulary and knowledge of the world. We know our curriculum is most effective, when a high quality core text is used to support children's understanding of vocabulary and knowledge.
Our curriculum is underpinned by a pedagogical approach that enables the implementation, training and support of staff to deliver it as intended. It includes and extends beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, in order to enrich the experience of the children. It promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The children will leave Jenyns as confident learners ready for their next stage of life. They will hold the disciplinary knowledge required to learn independently, solving problems and having high aspirations of themselves. Because they are well-rounded children they will choose a profession suitable to their interests, skills and aspirations!
At Jenyns, our results are evidence of the high expectations we have of the children at our school.
For further information on the National Curriculum visit