Our Children, Our Future.
Below is just a brief snapshot of who we are, what we do. If you would like to find out more information or have any queries or comments for the governors, please leave a message in the school office and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible. We are always on the look out for new governors as existing members come to the end of their 4 year term of office and move on to other things.
So, who are we? There are four categories of governor: parents, staff, community and local authority, making up a governing body of ten members. As individuals, we each have different reasons for becoming a governor, come from different backgrounds and have a wide range of skills and experience between us, which we are able to use in our work with the school. As governors, we give up our time on a voluntary basis but it is a very rewarding and interesting way to become involved in the life of a school.
And, what do we do? It is the role of the governing body to help define and set the strategic goals for the school’s development, to monitor and evaluate progress towards the achievement of these, and to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that the school is providing the best possible education for its children and is continually looking at ways to do things even better.
The full governing body meets twice a term. We have clear agendas and objectives at each meeting, although there is always opportunity for extra discussion on specific issues as appropriate.
Below is a list of current school governors:
Mrs. J. Knott - Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor
Mr. M. Emery - Vice Chair, LA Governor
Mr. J. Sadler - Headteacher
Mrs. B. Turner - Staff Governor
Mrs. S. Collier- Co-opted Governor
Mr. P. Moore - Co-opted Governor
Mrs. A. Riddle - Parent Governor
Mrs. S. Hatcher - Parent Governor
Mrs. C. Hall - Parent Governor
Mrs. O. Nicholson - Co-opted Governor
Our Vision and Aims
Our vision
To offer an outstanding, all-round education to our community, rooted in the shared values of Ambition, Positivity and Respect. We seek to demonstrate this ethos in our school by providing a safe, caring environment where everyone is valued, and pupils are challenged and inspired to develop a love of learning that will equip them for life.
As Governors we work with staff and parents to help children find a love of learning and achieve their best in all aspects of school life. Our vision for our children is evidenced in the school’s vision:
At Jenyns First School we want our children to have:
~ An enquiring mind with confidence to ask and learn
~ Creativity and a life-long passion for learning
~ Excellence, high personal achievement and the experience of success
~ A set of values by which to live
~ Independence and responsibility of their own learning
and values:
Ambition, positivity and respect
Our aims:
We would like Jenyns First School to continue its positive trajectory in achieving an outstanding provision, therefore, as Governors we aim to:
Improve the schools year on year levels of achievement
We work closely with the headteacher to ensure a cycle of continual improvement. Governors are individually liked with school priorities, subjects and areas of need and undertake regular visits relating to their specific responsibilities. We ensure support for all groups of children to ensure they reach their full potential and thrive.
Develop the Governing Body to provide more challenge, rigour and strategic support to the school.
We support the headteacher and staff, as well as constructively challenge and build on their own expectations to ensure the best possible outcomes for children are achieved. Continually evaluate strategic plans and policies. We provide input into school development plans and curriculum development with an interest in the immediate implication through to the longer term.
We ensure the school is financially sound, making best use of its income in order to have a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning, achievement, assessment and pupils experiences of school.
Develop a more visible and transparent style of governorship within the school community to ensure parents and pupils are being heard and involved.
We aim to create and sustain a school community in which all parents, carers and pupils, visitors and staff feel welcomed and valued. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the development of the school and the quality of the education it provides, through the sharing of ideas, developments, achievements, celebrations, needs and concerns. We also aim to learn from the best working on collaboration with other schools in our local community and the wider education community to share best practices and ensure that all pupils receive the best provision possible.
The Governing Body consists of local people who freely volunteer their time. They meet frequently each half term to discuss a wide range of school issues. There are a number of specific responsibilities, each of which has been allocated lead governors.
Governor Terms of Office 2023/2024
Governor | Type | Committee | Term Starts | Term Ends | Financial Interest | Non Financial Interest |
Jo Knott (Chair) | Co-opted | School Development Resource Data R.E. History Geography P.E. | 01/09/2023 | 31/08/2027 | None | None |
Martin Emery (Vice Chair) | LA | Resource Maths Computing Complaints Exclusions Disciplinary | 27/11/2023 | 26/11/2027 | None | None |
James Sadler | HT | Resource School Development | 15/04/2024 | None | Headteacher | |
Bridget Turner | STF | Resource School Development | 04/03/2024 | 03/03/2028 | None | School Business Manager |
Steph Collier | Co-opted | School Development Exclusions Safeguarding History/Geography | 07/10/2020 | 06/10/2024 | None | None |
Paul Moore | Co-opted | Resource Finance Complaints Disciplinary Health & Safety | 01/09/2023 | 31/08/2027 | None | None |
Anita Riddle | PAR | School Development SEND Wellbeing PSHE | 07/10/2020 | 06/10/2024 | None | Parent |
Sandra Hatcher | PAR | School Development Science MFL | 08/10/2020 | 07/10/2024 | None | Parent |
Carla Hall | PAR | School Development EYFS Art/Design DT | 17/11/2021 | 16/11/2025 | None | Parent |
Olivia Nicholson | Co-opted | School Development English Music | 01/04/2023 | 31/03/2027 | None | None |
Annual Statement of issues faced and addressed by the Governing Body 2023- 2024
Issue | Action | How | Who | Evaluation |
Governor Attendance of FGB Meetings 2023/2024
Governor | 04.10.23 | 22.11.23 | 31.01.24 | 20.03.24 | 22.05.24 | 10.07.24 |
Jo Knott (Chair) | Y | Y | Y | Ap | Y | Y |
Martin Emery (Vice Chair) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Amy Myers | Y | Y | X | X | X | X |
Judy King | X | X | Y | Y | X | X |
Bridget Turner | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
James Sadler | X | X | X | X | Y | Y |
Steph Collier | Ap | Y | Ap | Y | Y | Ap |
Paul Moore | Ap | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Anita Riddle | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Olivia Nicholson | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Ap |
Sandra Hatcher | Ap | Y | Y | Ap | Y | Y |
Carla Hall | Y | Y | Ap | Y | Y | Y |
Y=Attended Ap=Apologies X=Not appointed